Teaser Wireframe V1
Please find our first pass on the wireframe above. This is indeed a first pass and should be considered a rough WIP at this stage. Certain aspects from the animatic are yet to be fully introduced. We are still developing this and will continue to do so until we are due to begin on the final production stages.
We're really excited about how this is progressing - it's going to a really fantastic piece. We're putting everything into this to make it as cool as possible. Please bear in mind the 'proof of concept' animations below to how this will end of looking.
We look forward to your comments on the action and the first pass music bed. Please see notes below to get a better understanding of where we are and how we plan to develop this over the coming week.
Major points to note…
Wireframe Styling
This is not our intended look for the video in any form, this is a wireframe representation of our intentions so that we can keep the output of the scenes relatively quick and flexible to compile. We have however given significant thought and development to camera moves and timings. So yes, please ignore the look of the scene i.e. how elements highlight, data flows, gltiching not being present etc etc - this is just to keep things quicker to develop. Please refer back to the animatic for these. Please also note that the voice over is not applied to this proof at the moment. We plan to commission this in the coming week.
Sound design
This is Zelig’s first pass on the music bed. This does not include sound design / sound effects yet, this is just the base music track. We really love this and think it will create a great basis to build up the layered sound design elements. Maybe we could suggest to them to make it a little more intense towards the end? i.e. add more of a build up? Please assume that an additional 50% of drama and fullness will be added by the sound design layer. The music bed is just that, a bed for the sound design to be developed over.
Step by step run down of events
This is where the car’s ignition will be turned on with relevant sound effect. The car is getting ready for it’s rigorous test.
The cars engine turns over and she fires up. As well as the car being lifted into position, the car starting creates a nice way to get the teaser underway.
The UI elements are placeholders but roughly along the lines of our intended route.
The text cutaways show an abstract representation of the V-Res facility. Each of these text cutaways will be used to subtly and abstractly reflect the action to come in the following scenes. This scene sets us up and shows V-Res as being the centre piece, with knowledge and expertise being at the core of the facility. Arteries lead out from the centre, testing and developing vehicles and their systems. The full frame cutaways also give us a moment to take in the text and give us a minor breather from the teaser action.
0:12 secs (sorry we missed timecode here)
A wireless connection is established with the car. The pipe will be filled with data and cool connectivity effects. The UI graphic is a placeholder and is in development.
A wireless connection is established with the car. The wireless signal will be filled with data and cool connectivity effects. The UI graphic is a placeholder.
The abstract testing code ‘packets' are sent out from the V-Res computer systems to the car - ready to be more fully realised and demonstrated in the following scenes.
000555 - 000634
The testing packet of code is sent to the car. This flows into the car’s wiring harness and into the braking system. We might need to play with timings a little here to show each element in sequence.
As the car brakes here we plan to get more drama into this shot. The brake calliper will also highlight to reinforce the moment of the brakes being applied. The sound effects will also emphasise this.
A testing packet of code is sent via the wireless connection. This is crudely represented in the wireframe as an orange ring. This will be made clear and look cool when fully developed.
The car’s aerial receives it, it flows through the car to the steering system which malfunctions.
We see the abstract dissemination of an electromagnetic simulation test from the V-Res hub.
The phone is affected by the electromagnetic test. These phone will be more prominent as we develop the scene.
0:37 secs (sorry we missed timecode here)
The simulated electromagnetic test emerges from behind the camera and spreads across the car before penetrating the wiring loom and engine. As mentioned above, excuse the crude treatment of the waves.
0:39 (sorry we missed timecode here)
This shot has not been developed much yet, we’ve only looked at camera positions. This will of course have all tests being applied to the car at once with lots of drama before the car becomes shielded and moves out into the real world.
This is a shot from out look dev but is close to how the video will look. We have not yet at how the car reveals and how the internals fade up momentarily at the end. Please excuse that this has the old wireless transmitter treatment. This will be updated to have the tall mast style transmitter seen in the earlier wireframe shots.
We look forward to ay initial comments on Monday and then continuing to develop the wireframe over the coming week.